Whalley thrills with talk on wills!

Recently we saw record numbers at Harrow Lunch Club, with a group of 35 members turning up for lunch and to see this week’s presentation. The topic at hand was an incredibly important and insightful session on pensions and wills from Kevin Whalley. The members all commented how much they had learned and how valuable this information was. Kevin expertly answered any questions the members had. Topped off with lunch and cake, all in all it was one of the most successful days so far at Harrow Lunch Club. Keep an eye out for more interesting topics in the future. Don’t miss out!

Why not come to our Lunch Club, and check out what the next activity might be? Email us at community@remark.uk.com to join us! We look forward to seeing you there.

All of Remark! Community's Lunch Clubs are generously supported by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Over 55sRosa Whicker